About us

QROi Network Services Inc.

QROi Network
Services Inc.

Founded in 2016, QROI Network Services Inc. (QNSI) stands as a beacon of innovation in the telecommunications industry across the Philippines
and Asia. With roots that trace back to the early 2000s, our management team brings together decades of international experience
and a profound understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in developing regions like Asia and Africa.

Our DNA is defined by our global expertise in managing complex network deployment programs and executing roll-outs in demanding environments.
At QNSI, we pride ourselves on our ability to combine this rich global perspective with our robust local capabilities and resources, crafting tailored
solutions that meet the exact needs of mobile network operators, infrastructure providers, equipment vendors, and a broad spectrum of enterprises.
We are committed to fostering long-term partnerships that are as enduring as they are fruitful, driving innovation and delivering superior results.
Our team’s extensive experience in the telecom sector empowers us to provide not just services, but excellence, making QNSI the preferred partner
for those aiming to navigate the evolving landscape of telecommunications. Join us at QNSI as we continue to connect possibilities and engineer the future, ensuring sustainable success for our partners and redefining connectivity across the region.

Our Expertise


Building Tomorrow’s
Infrastructure Today

Expertise in full-spectrum deployment
services, from tower construction to
energy solutions and active equipment
implementation, ensuring robust and
reliable telecommunications infrastructure.


Maintaining Excellence,
Ensuring Reliability

Comprehensive operations management
across passive and active infrastructure,
with a focus on maximizing uptime and
efficiency through advanced digital audits,
facility management, and maintenance services.


Innovative Products
for Next-Gen Connectivity

Leading the distribution and supply of critical telecom products, from advanced microinverters and solar power systems to smart site access solutions, driving the future of telecom accessibility and sustainability.


Tommy Atkins


Tommy Atkins


Tommy Atkins


Tommy Atkins


Tommy Atkins
